Monday, September 06, 2010

Hong Kong Trailwalker

We formed new team to participate in the Hong Kong Trailwalker. There are more teams interested in participating here but we were lucky and were selected to participate this autumn. The team consists of Wolfram, Hans-Peter, Ravi and myself. Hans-Peter and myself participated already in Japan and are of course wondering how different this event will be. The joint training was in Japan an important part of our physical but also mental preparation. It will be more difficult this time to find slots where most of us can make their way to Hong Kong for a training: Wolfram and Ravi live in Hong Kong but Hans-Peter is still in Tokyo and I moved back to Switzerland.

We have tested some of the trail already but it would be great if we can do a few more hikes along the scenic MacLehose trail. It helps in particular to know the path for the night walk already from an earlier training.
Trailwalker Training Hong Kong - 8. August 2010

Sunday, Aug. 8th, Ravi and myself did the trail sections 3 - 5 (out of 10 sections). These are apparently the steepest and toughest and the distance is just about 1/3 of the overall distance. The weather became very beautiful during the day but unfortunately this meant also hot. I had about 3.5 liters of water with me which wasn't enough. We were lucky to find a place to refill our then empty bottles. I had also to learn that there isn't at every corner a vending machine as we know that from Japan.

The scenery was absolutely stunning, though. It is unbelievable how fast one can leave this huge city and suddenly be in a remote patch of nature. I'm already looking forward to experience the full trail in November.

Sep 8th, 2010 / Thomas

Saturday, November 07, 2009

The Final Run & Handover

Everything comes to an end - while for example most of us were quite glad that the 100km Oxfam walk finally came to an end, I was rather sad that also the time of my assignment had to come to an end. On October 8th we met for my final run into the city. That very same morning a taifun hit Japan and turned this run rather into a swimming contest. What a coincidence! We all got thoroughly wet but it was fun. We then met again after a full day of work to conclude the evening in the famous Kohumbutsu bar - long into the early morning hours.
Sayonara Running - 8. October 2009

I'm now handing this blog over to the remaining and newly reinforced "Firmenläufer" team: Tom, Heiner, Hans-Peter, Ivar, Hans, Thomas W, Thomas B. ... Please continue to write about your runs or other crazy endeavours - farewell, good luck and see everyone again soon.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Final Goal

Thomas, Tom, Heiner and Hans-Peter reached the final at Yamanakako at 14:20 pm. They did it in 29 hours and 20 mins.
The team is looking forward reading your comments!

Going strong until CP9

A bright day has started, it is going to be hot, but our four guys are well on their way in Ashigara.

At CP7:
We are making progress! Just arrived at CP7 (07.40 am) where many of us benefit from a free stretching service.
It's fantastic how everyone in the villages, at the checkpoint and in between cheers the walkers up.
The weather is beautiful again - this will become a hot day!
The ofuro, sleep and beer reenergized everyone - ima minna genki desu!

Ahead of us is the ascent to Fudousan - the mountain of eternal youth - this shall give us strength straight to the finish. We need it - this ascent is probably the steepest of the whole

Our team at Furou-san at 10:05 am.

A rest at CP8 at 12:05 am. An other 9 km to reach he finish atb Yamanakako.

After a step climb our team is reaching the top of Mt. Mikuni at 1:16 pm. It´s the highest point
of the whole track.

Incredible team and spectacular view from Mt. Myojin (at 1:48 pm).

They almost completed - from now on it's only downhill and 3km left.
Everyone is in a good mood and "enjoying" the last part.

Next morning

Ohayoooooooo !!!

This morning 3:15 am, we received a wake up call by a not so soft and kind, voice. Our dear co-runner's thought's were this time focused on something else to focus on that fact.

We are 1 hour behind schedule - but the mood ranges still from "hmm, genki?" to "genki genki".

Today's distance is less - only about 36km - but still about 2000 m of altitude - not everybody so eager about that anymore!

Friday, May 22, 2009

The night has started .. nap in Matsuga

Will rain come or not? Tom is getting his raincoat and Heiner is still walking along - without!

Walking lights at night ( 7:44 pm).

They reached CP5 at 9:35 pm. From now on another 9 km - maybe 2 hours walk- to get to CP6. There they will rest for 4 hours in the guesthouse Matsuga. It seems that a short power nap is enough for these guys.

..... Uups: a small accident happend: Tom lost his walking stick pariser. Teamwork and O-hashis helped to retrieve it.

Still great in time!
Around midnight we've arrived happily in our place to stay where we are having an ofuro and a nap (and a beer!).

Good night to everybody!

Life report- between CP3 and CP4

Lake Ashinoko again at 3:18 pm.

So far so good ... We have now probably about 25km behind us and are walking along the beautiful lake Ashino. First team dynamics start to play but they have been resolved amicably so far and we agreed on a pace again.

Next CP is no 4 - in about 11km.

Arriving at CP 4 at 4:10 pm.
We are in the meantime (4:30pm) taking a break at CP4. Heiner is not so fit anymore. They had a stretching service which improves things for him hopefully again ...
The rest of us is still genki.

Rain is looming and it will be dark, soon.

Km 36 now - and the next CP is about 18km and a mountain away. And 27km to the nightbreak.